The Way of the Wilderking

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When Aidan Errolson returns home to Corenwald after three years in the Feechiefen Swamp, he is shocked to discover a newly formed faction known as the Aidanites. They believe the ancient Wilderking Chant makes reference to Aidan, and that he is destined to overthrow the tyrant, King Darrow.

Aidan has no intention of leading a rebellion. However, as Corenwald weakens and the Pyrthen Empire threatens to invade, the Aidanites may be the only army the Corenwalders have left. What happens next among civilizers, Feechiefolk, and Pyrthens, is something no one could have imagined.
These 20th-anniversary editions of the Wilderking Trilogy include newly-written material by the author and all-new illustrations by Joe Hox. They may smell faintly of the Feechiefen Swamp.*
*If book does not smell faintly of swamp, soak in tepid water for 3-4 months for dramatic results.