Over 1 million sold in series!
The battle for truth begins in the heart!
The beast’s mouth opened so wide Beth thought it might swallow her whole.
Are you brave enough to follow cousins Beth and Patrick? In 13th century Libya, a vicious animal is killing the townspeople’s sheep. To appease the beast, the people believe they must offer up a maiden as a sacrifice. When Beth tries to help a girl named Sabra escape from becoming the animal’s next victim, she is left for an offering outside a dragon’s lair. Meanwhile, Patrick and a new friend named Hazi, join Georgius, a Roman knight who plans to kill the dragon. But the plans go awry when Beth and Sabra beg him not to hurt the dragon. The girls know the true secret of Silene–the dragon isn’t its worst enemy.
Marianne Hering
Wayne Thomas Batson
Focus on the Family
Adventures in Odyssey