God’s Very Good Idea


“Everyone you see is different than you, and the same as you. We look different, speak different and play different … but we are all valuable. That’s because, in the beginning, God had the very good idea of making us that way. This is the story of his idea — and how you can be a part of it!”

SKU: 9781784982218 Category: Product ID: 6658


God’s very good idea is to have lots of different people enjoying loving him and loving each other. This stunningly illustrated journey from the garden of Eden to God’s heavenly throne room shows how despite our sinfulness, everyone can be a part of God’s very good idea through the saving work of Christ. This book will help children see how people from all ethnic and social backgrounds are valuable to God and how Jesus came to rescue all kinds of people. It will also excite them about being part of church.

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