Introducing: Friends of Faith & Life

Introducing:  Friends of Faith & Life

Dear Customers and Supporters of Faith & Life, Faith & Life Bookstore has been a presence in Newton, Kansas for over 70 years.  Throughout this time it has undergone ownership changes, name changes, and even a location change.  But one...

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Spring Reading Fun

Spring Reading Fun

Now is the time to get caught up on your reading! Get to the bottom of your “To Be Read” piles and get ready to start a new one! We thought we would have some fun and start an early edition of our “summer” reading...

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WDC Resource Library Wish List

WDC Resource Library Wish List

Faith & Life is honored to be joining together with the Western District Conference Resource Library for another year to present their annual Wish List.  To make a purchase, simply click on the title and you will be taken directly to the page...

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End of the Year Review

As we prepare to turn the page on 2017 and begin a new year, now is a great time to stop and reflect on the last 12 months and how God has been at work through Faith & Life.   This past year we updated our missions statement to more simply...

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Carol’s Ponderings #2

Books, Authors, and Plots, Oh, My!   I am a book-a-holic.  I didn’t read a lot as a young girl but I loved going to the library and walking up and down the rows of books looking at the titles.  My love of reading didn’t happen until after I...

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Carol’s Ponderings #1

Books wash away from the soul the dust of everyday life.   How true the above statement is.  Books take you to places you can only dream about.  This morning I pondered the question:  Why do some books resonate so intimately with your soul...

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Church Librarian’s Day

Every year there are hundreds of new books released from a huge number of publishers in just about every subject that you can think of–how you do know which titles are right for your church library?  Who has time to keep up with all of the...

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This year I have been thinking a lot about the word “light”. It takes only seconds when the electricity goes out to realize just how dependent we are on light. Our bodies need light to survive and we can’t function well for long in darkness...

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It’s Time for Summer Reading Bingo!

  After such a great response from last year’s bingo boards, we are once again hosting a Summer Reading Bingo challenge. Stop by the store or click the following links:   5th Grade-Adult or    Toddler – 4th Grade to download your...

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Paper Hearts & Cans of Soup

Can you believe it’s already February?  According to Puxtatony Phil the groundhog we should be looking forward to Spring soon, but I have a feeling that he might be wrong this year. The store has a couple great opportunities for you this...

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